Australian Modern Slavery Act

We refer to the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth)No. 153, 2018 (Act)

Pursuant to the Act, SFG Group of Companies is required to comply and report on the actions taken to control modern slavery.

Please refer to the following links;

  1. Modern Slavery Act 2018;

  2. Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 Guidance for Reporting Entities

At Cavos Products, we have reviewed our operations and determined there is
no slavery related practices directly undertaken or directly related to Cavos Product’s immediate businesses.

Cavos Products is undertaking a number of initiatives to assess and address risks identified in our purchases from suppliers, and in doing so we require you to complete the questionnaire located in this link.

We note that your organisation may not be required to report under the Act, however for Cavos Products to meet its reporting requirements we need you to complete the questionnaire and provide full responses on behalf of your organisation please.